Automatic session outcomes
You can find outcomes of the session report in Whisbi Deck by going to the Reports and navigating to the ‘Call info’ and ‘Attended calls’ info section:
All outcomes will be displayed in the Outcome column. The automatic ones have the prefix: “W”:
Please find below a detailed explanation of what is the meaning of potential automatic outcomes of the session:
Outcomes in Whisbi Deck. | The potential reason(s) of the outcome |
w System timeout | w System timeout |
w System timeout | Issue with the telephony system |
w System timeout | Issue with the telephony system due to lack of hardware resources (to many requests to be attended at the same time) |
w Customer did not answer | Customer did not answer the call because the phone was turned off or was out of signal or phone number does not exist |
w Customer did not answer | Customer was callled but did not answer the call |
w Agent did not answer | Agent did not answer the call because the phone was turned off or was out of signal or phone number does not exist |
w Agent did not answer | Agent was called but did not answer the call |
w Customer left while waiting in queue | Customer answered the call and hung up while waiting in the queue before agent answered the call |
w Customer left while waiting in queue | Customer answered the call and hung up while waiting in the queue before agent provided the PIN to start the session |
w Customer request Out of Hours | Customer tried to call agent’s direct phone number or phone number displayed in the widget outside of working hours |
w Agent incorrectly closed session | Agent incorrectly closed the session due to issue with connectivity or by closing Agent application during the session with a customer and sesion was closed automatically after a timeout |
w Customer left while waiting in queue | Customer closed the widget before agent started the session (only LDS configuration or Chat session) |
w Agent scheduled the call | Agent scheduled the call |
w Customer request Out of Hours | Customer requested a call in the widget out of working hours without scheduling a new time. The call is scheduled at the exact time that request was sent. |
w Agent unavailable (Smart Landing) | Customer requested a session but all agents are busy (Smart Landing)Customer booked a call in the widget |
w Customer scheduled the call | Customer booked a call in the widget |
w Agent did not answer | Customer sent a request and navigated to another website (closed the landing page) before the agent started the session |
w Customer did not answer, Voicemail | Customer’s voicemail answered the call. |
W Customer Connection Error | Customer did not answer the call because the phone was turned off or was out of signal or phone number does not exist or customer was callled but did not answer the phone |
W Agent connection error | Agent did not answer the call because the phone was turned off or was out of signal or phone number does not exist or Agent was called but did now answer the call |
w Request expired | Request expired due to reaching a maximum life time or maximum number of interactions. Phone number is not validated as the customer never answered the call. |
w Lead expired | Lead expired due to reaching a maximum life time or maximum number of interactions. Phone number is validated as the customer answered the call at least ones. |
w Whisbi test / QA | Test made by Whisbi |
W Invalid | Customer took an action related to “Invalid” outcome using guide (chatbot – unassisted sales) |
W No sale | Customer took an action related to “No sale” outcome using guide (chatbot – unassisted sales) |
W Sale | Customer took an action related to “Sale” outcome using guide (chatbot – unassisted sales) |