Broadcast by Whisbi > Releases > How to update the 'Broadcast by Whisbi'-app?

How to update the ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’-app?

What are the update scenarios?

  • From the current version to the newest version (1 and 2)
  • From Testflight to the App Store (3)
  • Starting with a new device or presenter (4 and 5)
  • From the old app to the new app (6 and 7)
  1. From ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’-app version X in the App Store to the latest ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’-app version X in TestFlight.
  2. From ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’-app version X in the App Store to a newer ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’-app version in the App Store. 
  3. From ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’-app version X in TestFlight to the latest ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’-app version in the App Store.
  4. Install the app version X from the App Store.
  5. Install the app version X from Testflight.
  6. From ‘Whisbi’-app version 2.12.0 to ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’-app version X in TestFlight.
  7. From ‘Whisbi’-app version 2.12.0 to ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’-app version X in the App Store.

From the current version to the newest version

1. From ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’-app version X in the App Store to the latest ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’-app version X in TestFlight.


  1. Delete all the current Whisbi-apps on the device if present
  2. Download ‘TestFlight’ in the App Store
  3. Open the Testflight link provided by your Customer Success Manager
  4. Install the latest app version in TestFlight
  5. Use the app with the ‘Orange dot’ in front of the app name on the home screen

2. From ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’-app version X in the App Store to a newer ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’-app version in the App Store. 


  1. Go to the App Store.
  2. Search for ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’ or go to your account and find the update in the list.
  3. Click on ‘Install’ or ‘Update’

From Testflight to the App Store:

3. From ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’-app version X in TestFlight to the latest ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’-app version in the App Store.


  1. Delete the TestFlight app version first.
  2. Go to the App Store.
  3. Search for ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’ or go to your account and find the update in the list.
  4. Click on ‘Install’ or ‘Update’

Starting with a new device or presenter:

4. Install the app version X from the App Store.


  1. Delete all the current Whisbi-apps on the device if present
  2. Go to the App Store.
  3. Search for ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’
  4. Click on ‘Install’
  5. Go to your home screen to see the progress.

5. Install the app version X from Testflight.


  1. Delete all the current Whisbi-apps on the device if present
  2. Download ‘TestFlight’ in the App Store
  3. Open the Testflight link provided by your Customer Success Manager
  4. Install the app version X in TestFlight
  5. Use the app with the ‘Orange dot’ in front of the app name on the home screen.

From the old app to the new app:

6. From ‘Whisbi’-app version 2.12.0 to ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’-app version X in TestFlight.


  1. Delete the old app version 2.12.0 first
  2. Download ‘TestFlight’ in the App Store
  3. Open the Testflight link provided by your Customer Success Manager
  4. Install the available app version in TestFlight
  5. Use the app with the ‘Orange dot’ in front of the app name on the home screen.

7. From ‘Whisbi’-app version 2.12.0 to ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’-app version X in the App Store.


  1. Delete the old app version 2.12.0 first
  2. Go to the App Store.
  3. Search for ‘Broadcast by Whisbi’
  4. Click on ‘Install’
  5. Go to your home screen to see the progress and start using the new version.