Sell is a solution that allows the customers to talk directly to an expert via phone or chat, while they can keep seeing the products in real-time video.
The main features that the Sell solution contains: chat, phone call, real-time video, image and video sharing, co-browsing, and 3rd party phone calls. All these features can be done directly from your website and the customer doesn’t need to install any external software or plugins.
Besides the visual aspects, this service has some customizable options and features included: Sell form, Inbound, Call me back, Schedule, Pin to Whisbi, and the Guide chatbot.
Sell form
The most common way to start a Sell session is by filling out the form. According to whether the user provides a phone number or not, the session will be either only-chat or a combination of chat and a phone call. You can see how to customize the Sell form here.
You can create you own form on your website to launch and start a Whisbi Sell session. Learn how to do it here.
This is an option for Sell that allows the customer to make the call instead of providing their phone number in order to be called. When this option is enabled, all the information needed to make the call is shown below the Sell form. The customer can call to the phone number displayed and then a recorded message will ask them for the pin number to sync the call with the desktop experience. In this case, both the call and the session are trackable. You can see how to enable the Inbound option here.
Cmb (Call me back)
When this option is enabled, the form is shown even beyond the scheduled service hours. If a customer fills out the form during that time, they will be called once there is an agent available. You can see how to enable the Call me back option here.
With this option enabled, the customer can schedule a call whenever they want. This option appears below the regular Sell form and can also be set as the default form outside of your service hours. You can see how to customize the schedule here.
We have added a new way to generate Sell sessions: the chatbot! If this option has been enabled and configured, the customer will answer some predefined questions instead of filling out a regular form to open a session. Depending on your customer’s answers, they will be redirected to the teams that can best answer their request. Your customer can also choose to either start a chat session or a phone session. You can find the full range of options available as well as how you can customize them here!
Pin to Whisbi
This feature connects any regular phone call to an online interactive Sell experience. During a phone call, an agent can ask the customer for a pin number that appears at the bottom left corner of your website or at By entering this pin number to the Whisbi platform, a Sell session will open on the customer’s screen. You can see how to enable the Pin to Whisbi here.
Rating type
Once the Sell experience ends, there is a short survey that allows the users to give feedback on the service provided. There are two main kinds of surveys: Net Promoter Score and Service Rating.
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
It measures the client satisfaction with one single question: an indication of the service provided growth potential. The question is “How likely are you to recommend the service to a friend?”, which can be answered on a scale from 0 (not at all likely) to 10 (extremely likely). The customer can also add a comment to explain the reasons for their score, as well as any suggestion or complaint. This rating type is available in two versions: with emojis or with dots.
Service Rating
It allows the customer to evaluate, from 1 to 5 stars, different aspects of the service provided. These aspects are promptness, politeness, efficiency, quality of the session, level of knowledge, and understanding of the customer needs.
You can see how to customize the rating type here.