Developer/IT > Whisbi API > API Reference > Sell > Inputs config

Inputs config

Object containing the properties for an input field on a Guide/Sell form

visible Boolean It determines if the field must be shown. Optional
mandatory Boolean It determines if the field is mandatory or optional. If visible is set to false, mandatory must be set to false also. Optional

Extra input config

Object containing the properties for the extra (custom) field on a One-to-One form

visible Boolean It determines if the field must be shown. Optional
mandatory Boolean It determines if the field is mandatory or optional. If visible is set to false, mandatory must be set to false also. Optional
placeholder String The placeholder text to be displayed in the extra field Optional
options Array An array of options to be selected in the custom field. If provided, the field will be a <select> instead of a free text input
Example: [{value: ‘value_1’, label: ‘my option 1’}, {value: ‘value_2’, label: ‘my second option’}]

Schedule exceptions

Object containing a list of specific dates with a special time schedule, different from the one set on availableHours


Follow this syntax to set a different schedule for a given date

exceptions: {
'date': [
['from', 'to']
'date': [] //No service during this specific date

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exceptions: {
'11-12-2018': [
['12:00', '14:00'],
['16:00', '18:00'] //This day will have a different schedule to the one set for this weekday
'12-12-2018': [] //This day will be a non-working day
'14-12-2018': [] //This day will be a non-working day
'15-12-2018': [] //This day will be a non-working day

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Following the example, on December 11th, the available times are the ones specially set for that day, and the dates 12th, 14th and 15th of December are unavailable.