Security > Cookies used by Whisbi

Cookies used by Whisbi

As a Whisbi client, when you insert the JavaScript code provided by Whisbi in your website, some cookies will be added to the ones that you already have.

When your visitors give their consent to store a whole set of cookies on their devices, you might need to inform them about the third-party cookies, what they do and with what purpose.

All these generated cookies will be stored in the user’s browser under each client’s domain. This way, if the same customer visits different websites with the Whisbi widget, the tracking information will be never crossed.

The following table describes the cookies set by Whisbi, the function of each cookie and their expiration time. Note that the cookies with type HTML Local Storage don’t have browser specific expiration time, but the time specified by Whisbi, which is documented in the last column:

Cookie name ProviderCategory Purpose Type Expiration Time
_ga GoogleStatisticsGoogle Analytics cookie that distinguishes and quantifies the users and allows measurement and statistical analysis HTTP Cookie 12 months
_gid GoogleStatisticsGoogle Analytics cookie that distinguishes and quantifies the users and allows measurement and statistical analysis HTTP Cookie 24 hours
_gat GoogleUser ExperienceGoogle Analytics cookie used to throttle the request rate HTTP Cookie 1 minute
cookieGuid WhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that allows tracking the user and recognizing a returning customer to a Whisbi solution using a unique anonymous ID. It is an essential cookie for a few flows in the experience to work properly.HTML Local Storage 1 year
kpiGuidWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that allows session identification when using the widgetHTML Local Storage24 hours
whisbiButtonImpressions WhisbiUser Experience Whisbi cookie that allows measurement of the Whisbi button impressions. HTML Local Storage 24 hours
otmBotMessengerStatus WhisbiUser Experience Whisbi cookie that remembers the users to offer a customized experience (questions and comments asked by the end-user)HTML Local Storage 1 hour
otmShowChatMessages WhisbiUser Experience Whisbi cookie that manages and controls the One-to-Many chat messages HTML Local Storage 1 hour
closedOtmAutoStart WhisbiUser Experience Whisbi cookie that manages the button behaviour in the One-to-Many sessions HTML Local Storage Session
chatbotId WhisbiUser Experience Whisbi cookie that manages and controls chatbot versions HTML Session Storage Session
chatbotMessages WhisbiUser Experience Whisbi cookie that stores chatbot messages to recover them after refreshing the website HTML Session Storage Session
chatbotInputs WhisbiUser Experience Whisbi cookie that stores chatbot input values to recover them after refreshing the website HTML Session Storage Session
conversationWhisbiUser ExperienceStores the pre-lead id generated at the beginning of a conversation and all the nodes of the conversation in order within the selections of the user along itHTML Session StorageSession
_gat_whisbiOTOWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that throttles the request rateHTML Local StorageSession
nameWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that stores the name of the lead after filling in the nameHTML Local Storage24 hours
phoneWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that stores the phone number of the lead after filling in the phone numberHTML Local Storage24 hours
emailWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that stores the email of the lead after filling in the emailHTML Local Storage24 hours
extraWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that stores the comment of the lead if the extra field is being used and filled inHTML Local Storage24 hours
phone_typeWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that stores the phone call type (scheduled or real-time)HTML Local Storage24 hours
schedDateWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that stores the date of a scheduled call when a call is scheduled on a certain dateHTML Local Storage24 hours
countryWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that stores the country prefix of the lead after filling in the phone numberHTML Local Storage24 hours
getSessionStorageWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that checks if other tabs of the same domain have information stored in session storageHTML Local Storage 24 hours
chatbotMessagesO2OWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that stores the messages in the chatHTML Session StorageSession
chatbotGDPRAcceptedWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that stores if the lead accepted the GDPR requirement in the widget. Type of GDPR requirement to be decided by the client HTML Session StorageSession
legalAgreementsWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that stores if the lead accepted the legal agreement HTML Local Storage24 hours
roomIdWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that stores the roomId of the lead once a session is bridged between lead and agentHTML Local Storage1 hour
transferCallInProgressWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that stores and checks if the transferred call is in progressHTML Local Storage 24 hours
checkTransferCallsWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that stores and checks the status when a transferred call happensHTML Local Storage 24 hours
otoSessionStartedWhisbiUser ExperienceCheck if the event has already been sentHTML Session StorageSession
otmSessionStartedWhisbiUser ExperienceCheck if the event has already been sentHTML Session StorageSession
otmSessionInitWhisbiUser ExperienceCheck if the event has already been sentHTML Session StorageSession
otmChatbotShownWhisbiUser ExperienceCheck if the event has already been sentHTML Session StorageSession
ChangeOTOSeedWhisbiUser ExperienceKeeps track of the Seed changes:
stores just true or false if the user changed the seed through the journey
HTML Local StorageLocal
OTOSeedChangedWhisbiUser ExperienceStores the seed that has been changed through the decisions treeHTML Session StorageSession
WMuteWhisbiUser ExperienceStores the Mute action value to recover it after refreshing the website in the One-to-Many sessionsHTML Local Storage24 hours
WRatingWhisbiUser ExperienceStores the User Rating action value to recover it after refreshing the website in the One-to-Many sessionsHTML Local Storage24 hours
WLikeWhisbiUser ExperienceStores the Like action value to recover it after refreshing the website in the One-to-Many sessionsHTML Local Storage24 hours
sessionGuidWhisbiUser ExperienceAllows tracking of each Whisbi session using a unique IDHTML Local Storage1 hour
leadGuidWhisbiUser ExperienceLeadGuid is a unique identifier that we use to track the current lead. HTML Local Storage1 hour
simplyBookDateWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that stores the date of a scheduled call for the SimplyBook API when a call is scheduled on a certain dateHTML Local Storage24 hours
OTMnameWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that stores the name of the lead after filling in the name in the One-to-Many sessionsHTML Local Storage1 hour
pinSessionWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that stores the pin code generated to start a PIN to Whisbi sessionHTML Local Storage24 hours
OTOsessionWhisbiUser ExperienceWhisbi cookie that stores and checks if the lead is in a One-to-One sessionHTML Local Storage24 hours
jwplayerJWPlayerUser ExperienceStores JWPlayer settingsHTML Local StorageLocal