Manager/Analyst > Configure your One-to-One service > Manage your Blocked numbers

Manage your Blocked numbers

Your customers may request calls through the Whisbi One-to-One widget at any time during your business hours by providing their phone numbers. However, typos can happen or even pranks. For those cases you can add those phone numbers into a Black List so they can no longer request calls.

To add a blocked number go to Whisbi Deck and from the top right corner hover the mouse over your name and click on “Settings“.

Under settings click on “Account Settings” and click the “Edit” button to enter the editing mode. Below you’ll find the option to “Show advanced options“.

Scroll down until you see the “Phone numbers Black List” where the “Manage phone numbers” button is. After you click on it a dialog box will show you the current blocked numbers and the text box to add another at the bottom.

Once you finish adding the blocked number click on “Add phone number“, then “Save results” and finally “Done” at the end of the page to save all the changes.

You can also import a CSV file with a list of blocked numbers. All you have to do is create a CSV file filling in the first column with the phone numbers you want to block.

Exporting the list of blocked numbers is also possible by clicking the “Download as CSV” button on this dialog.