End session – Agent Android


When the call between the agent and the customer ends it does not mean that the session with the customer ends. Agents often need to fill in customers’ data, close the actual sale or set a result.


A session with a customer takes more time than a call with a customer. Often the session and the call are not integrated into the same workflow or tool, so the agents have to change within the same workflow.


Starting and ending a call and session within the same Whisbi Agent experience, so that the agent can directly log, analyze and set session results.

Ending a session

  • To be able to end the session you need to be in a session with a customer. You can find the ‘End Session’ button as marked in green:
  • If you haven’t set a result for the session yet, you will see the following error (if you have set a result, skip to step 6):
  • Choose a category. In this case choose between a sale, no sale, or invalid:
  • Choose the specific result to continue:
  • Confirmation of the set result:
  • After clicking ‘End Session’ a confirmation will appear to end the session: