Learn the Interface

As soon as you open Whisbi Analytics you will land on the Overview page.

This page is designed to give you all the relevant information about the current status of your account at a glance.

1. At the top of the screen you have all the filters, such as Time Period, Dashboard Selector, Account Selector, amongst others.

2. Below the filters section you have the funnel which shows the performance of each step of the funnel with conversion rates, and how well each stage is performing compared to the previous period.

3. Bottom Left you have the Sell Trend Chart which shows Leads, Valid Leads and Conversions which can also be displayed by day, weekday, and hour.

4. Bottom Right you have four different charts with their own Sell KPIs:

  • Leads by Device which include Mobile, Desktop, amongst others.
  • Net Promoter Score from -100 to 100
  • Valid and Invalid Leads
  • Queue