Open session


Agents often need to register external activities for new or existing leads. Sometimes they have to wait for approvals or confirmations to complete the sales process, other times they receive external calls out of the widget.


  1. The agent receives a call outside of the Whisbi session
  2. The agent has to make an outbound call to connect with the customer
  3. The agent can’t change results or reschedule a call for the existing lead.
  4. The agent can’t set results or schedule a call for a new lead.


The agent can open a new session and register external activities like scheduling a  call or setting results for an existing or new lead. If the phone number has been already registered in the system then the new session is opened for the existing lead. If the phone number doesn’t match with already opened lead then the new lead is created.

How to use it?

1. Log in to the Agent by Whisbi on iOS
2. Click on ‘Open Session’: 

3. Fill in the phone number of the customer that you want to open a session with: 

4. After clicking on ‘Open Session’ you will be asked for confirmation: 

5. The session will be opened.