Share Video


Live-streaming has become a popular channel for brands to communicate with their online visitors. Besides this, online visitors became familiar with the concept of live-streaming and perceive this channel as interactive and informative. Online visitors almost expect a brand to be live the time that they visit their website.


Brands are struggling to keep up with the demand of online visitors to constantly see live content on their website. It is a battle of resources and proving the value of the live-streaming channels.


We give brands the opportunity to use marketing and sales video materials to broadcast to their audience to be more cost-efficient and operationally more productive (more streaming hours, less effort).

Limitations and requirements

  • You can upload a max. 4 videos per user account
  • The video has to be uploaded from the video library of the Android-device
  • Every video can be max. 2 GB
  • Every video can be max. 2 hours of duration
  • The following video formats are supported: .mp4, .mov
  • The videos are stored per user account meaning that you can only use the videos uploaded to that user account
  • For the best experience, we suggest using a portrait video
  • We cannot keep on uploading if you leave the application, therefore, we cancel your uploads when you leave the application
  • When you try and start a broadcast when a video is still uploading, you will see a pop-up and you need to choose to cancel and start the broadcast or to go back and wait for the upload to finish
  • It is also important to not close the Broadcast-Application and/or switch to another application when performing the share content to not to impact experience in the widget.

Using the Share Video functionality

How do I upload a video?

  1. Make sure to log in to the Broadcast Android app with your Whisbi user account.
  2. Below the ‘Channels’ section, you can see a section called ‘Content Uploads’
  3. Click on ‘Videos’ below ‘Content Uploads’

4. You will open the ‘Your Videos’ page. If there are no videos uploaded, you will see the screen below.

5. To upload a video, click on ‘Upload video’ and the video library on your device will be triggered.

6. Select a video and click on ‘Next’

7. Once you selected a video, the video will appear in the ‘Uploading’ state:

8. When the video(s) are uploaded, you will see the ‘Play’ button on top of the video to preview the video that you uploaded.

9. When clicking on the ‘3 dots menu’ on the right of the video title, you will see the ‘Rename’ and ‘Delete’ settings.

10. You will get a confirmation toast when the video will be renamed or deleted, see the below screenshot:

How do I see video upload status on home screen?

  1. If you go to home screen when the video upload is in progress, you can see the status.

2. When the video is uploaded, new status will be shown.

How do I share a video while broadcasting?

  1. Once your video(s) is/are uploaded and processed, you are able to share a video during your broadcast.
  2. Click on ‘Start Broadcast’ on the screen below.

3. Once you started the broadcast you will see the below screen. Click on ‘Share Content’ at the bottom of the page to open the ‘Share Content’ dialog.

4. The ‘Share Content’ dialog opens and from this screen, you can select the videos that are uploaded to your account.

5. Select the video that you want to share and click on ‘Share Video’ to start sharing the video with your audience

6. You now started sharing the video as you can see from the screen below.

Sound: ON means that the audio of the video is on and the viewers hear this audio

Your camera is off while sharing a video

The timer counts down until the video finishes

7. Once you are finished sharing you can click on ‘End Share’ and a confirmation dialog will prompt: