Events that trigger while interacting with the chatbot
Name | Description | Required |
conversationInit | The customer has initiated a new conversation. Triggered: Just after the preleadId has been created and before displaying the conversation. Returns: { “conversationId”: “”, “preLeadId”: “”, “waitingResponse”: boolean, “cookieGuid”: “”, “kpiGuid”: “” } | Optional |
conversationModuleFetched | The conversation requests a new module. Triggered: Just after a new module has been requested but before displaying it in the Widget. Returns: { “conversationId”: “”, “preLeadId”: “”, “waitingResponse”: boolean, “cookieGuid”: “”, “kpiGuid”: “”, “module”: { “moduleId”: “”, “moduleType”: “”, “moduleName”: “” } } | Optional |
conversationPreLeadAssigned | The customer requests a session. Triggered: Just after the session has been requested. Returns: { “conversationId”: “”, “preLeadId”: “”, “leadId”: “”, “waitingResponse”: boolean, “cookieGuid”: “”, “kpiGuid”: “” } | Optional |